General informations
- Cartographic positioning : Unknown
- Reference position : You can find a binder of hiking tracks in "Pays d'Aiguebelette" (37 tracks for 14.50 euros). Available in the tourist Offices of St Genix sur Guiers and Nances.
- Positive denivellation : 100m
- Negative denivellation : 100m
- Delicates passages : Unknown
- Precision on the marking : Follow the yellow markers.
- Average altitude : Unknown
- Altitude maximum : 350m
- Distance : 9km
- Average slope : Unknown
- Hours : 03h30
- Roaming period : Unknown
Bon à savoir
You can make the walk longer by doing a loop towards the hamlets of "La Visite" and "Gubin".
This walk across the hills of Domessin takes small roads and dountry paths. The landscape is very open, with traditional hamlets of adobe houses dotted along the way. The path also passes close to the river Thiers where you can cool off.
Services & facilieties
- Pets welcome
All year round.
Languages spoken
- English
- French