Ste Rose chapel and ruins of Château de l’Epine
General informations
- Cartographic positioning : TOP 25 IGN - 3332 OT - Chambéry, Aix-les-Bains, Lac du Bourget Hiking map of the Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette (€3, available at the Tourist Office, at the Maison du Lac)
- Reference position : Guide La Chapelle Sainte-Rose A3 (Hiking map of the Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette, available at the Tourist Office, at the Maison du Lac).
- Positive denivellation : 230m
- Negative denivellation : 230m
- Delicates passages : Unknown
- Precision on the marking : Unknown
- Average altitude : Unknown
- Altitude maximum : 690m
- Distance : 4km
- Average slope : Unknown
- Hours : 03h00
- Roaming period : Unknown
Gentle hike that suits all ages (1 ½ to 3 hrs). Option of visiting the ruins of Château de l’Epine where it is alleged that a thorn from Christ’s crown was buried by one of the lords of Montbel. Stop off at the Sainte Rose chapel on the way back down.
Enjoy this family hike that takes you to the heights of Nances. Discover the church of this small village, dating back to 1878, before traveling through time to reach the Sainte Rose Chapel, built in the 17th century. Erected on the edge of an old road leading to the Col de l’Épine and near a water source, this chapel was a place of procession during drought periods.
Along the way, feel free to take a short detour to the Villas Dorias and their nice viewpoint.
Services & facilieties
- Pets welcome