General informations
- Cartographic positioning : TOP 25 IGN - 3232 ET - Belley, Saint-Genix-sur-Guiers, Sud Bugey Hiking map of the Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette (€3, available at the Tourist Office, at the Maison du Lac)
- Reference position : Guide Le Château de Montbel A4 (Hiking map of the Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette, available at the Tourist Office, at the Maison du Lac).
- Positive denivellation : 110m
- Negative denivellation : 110m
- Delicates passages : Unknown
- Precision on the marking : Unknown
- Average altitude : Unknown
- Altitude maximum : 700m
- Distance : 5.8km
- Average slope : Unknown
- Hours : 03h00
- Roaming period : Unknown
The remaining ruins overlook the Col de la Crusille and Lac d’Aiguebelette. Part of the route follows the cliff edge, with fabulous views over the Avant Pays Savoyard and Dauphiné. Gentle, family-friendly hike (3 hrs).
Between Lake Aiguebelette and Val Guiers, this cliffside hike offers beautiful panoramas steeped in history. Montbel Castle, the Banchet Pass Cross, and stone quarries make this hike the path to answers about all these structures.
One mystery still hovers over these places: Mandrin and his two pistols found beneath the base of the Banchet Pass Cross.
To uncover the truth, head to Louis Mandrin's hideout in St Genix sur Guiers.
Services & facilieties
- Pets welcome