Follaton path
General informations
- Cartographic positioning : TOP 25 IGN - 3333 OT - Chartreuse Nord Hiking map of the Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette (€3, available at the Tourist Office, at the Maison du Lac)
- Reference position : Guide Boucle du Follaton A5 (Hiking map of the Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette, available at the Tourist Office, at the Maison du Lac).
- Positive denivellation : 200m
- Negative denivellation : 200m
- Delicates passages : Unknown
- Precision on the marking : Unknown
- Average altitude : Unknown
- Altitude maximum : 530m
- Distance : 6.2km
- Average slope : Unknown
- Hours : 02h30
- Roaming period : Unknown
A lovely family-friendly trail that crosses stream and valleys. Allow the Follaton to guide you, a mythical little being who, in days gone by, was thought to protect local residents and their homes! 2 ½ hr loop at a child’s pace.
Discover the village of Dullin, where the church has stood the test of time. Follow the Rondelet stream, and halfway through, take a moment to make a short detour to its waterfall. Return to the village of Dullin by following the GR9 trail, and enjoy a viewpoint over the Guiers Valley from the Banc des Dames.
Services & facilieties
- Pets welcome
Free of charge.