Between Rhône and Guiers
73240 Saint-Genix-les-Villages
73240 Saint-Genix-les-Villages
General informations
- Cartographic positioning : Unknown
- Reference position : Unknown
- Positive denivellation : 10m
- Negative denivellation : 10m
- Delicates passages : Unknown
- Precision on the marking : You will find a signpost on the esplanade at the edge of the bridge. Take the stairs at the start of the bridge to go down to the micro-power station on the bank of the river Guiers. Go north along the river following the yellow signs.
- Average altitude : Unknown
- Altitude maximum : 220m
- Distance : 8.2km
- Average slope : Unknown
- Hours : 02h20
- Roaming period : Unknown
Walk to the confluence of Rhone following the Guiers river!
Thanks to this trail you will discover different aquatic environment: the Guiers river and the Rhone.
You will find signposts explaining the various works related to water.
Services & facilieties
- Public WC
- Pets welcome
All year round.
Free of charge
Languages spoken
- English
- French